Yorkshire Industrial Heritage

Heaton textile mills

Yorkshire > West Yorkshire > Heaton

Map of Heaton textile mills

Bold: brief description available.
Italics: picture/s available.
Bold and italics: Both of them available.

Additional information

Manningham, Heaton and Allerton (townships of Bradford): treated historically and topographically (Ulan Press, 2012) by William Cudworth is a book originally published prior to 1923 now avaliable as a reprint.

Map of Heaton with its 4 textile mills (Textile mill icon).

Ortofotographic map


Aerial photographic view of Heaton, West Yorkshire.

Towns near Heaton.

Nearest industrial towns.

Towns with historical textile mills near Heaton.


1 Andrey


Samuel Lister had worked in partnership with his brother as successful worsted weavers for several decades. After the fire he built the present Manningham Mill, devoted to silk textiles,

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