Yorkshire Industrial Heritage

Cliviger textile mills

Yorkshire > West Yorkshire > Cliviger

Map of Cliviger textile mills

Bold: brief description available.
Italics: picture/s available.
Bold and italics: Both of them available.

Map of Cliviger with its 4 textile mills (Textile mill icon).

Ortofotographic map


Aerial photographic view of Cliviger, West Yorkshire.

Towns near Cliviger.

Nearest industrial towns.

Towns with historical textile mills near Cliviger.


1 Karen simpson


I am looking for Cliviger Mill , Cliviger . My great great grandfather Thomas Simpson was a Blacksmith at this Mill according to the 1851 census .i appreciate there is more than one mill .in Cliviger . It’s very fascinating looking all this information up and searching the past .

I don’t suppose Thomas is on anyone’s records . He was born in 1823 and was aged 28 in the 1852 census

2 Janet


I too am looking for Blacksmith called Simpson who worked at CLivger mill,

any information would be useful. What did a blacksmith in a mine actually do?


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Yorkshire textile mills, 2010-24. This site is kindly hosted by Cèdula d'habitabilitat.