1 Mike Fletcher
I can still recall the Mill, though now being in a derelict condition. Planning permission to build houses on the site was given on the condition that the original stone was used, this did not happen! This was sometime between the late 1960's and into the 1970's.
West View Terrace,150 yards to the north of the mill along Bradshaw Lane, was built in the late 1890's and belonged to the mill, with No.1 being for the Mill Manager, No's 3,5,7 & 9 being for some of the workers of the Mill. I lived in No.5 from 1978 for a few years and recall a conversation with an old gentlemen at the Bowling Green, directly next to the row of houses who asked if I lived on New Street, I replied in the negative but he insisted I did, "As it was newest street around ere", yes, built in 1897!!