Yorkshire Industrial Heritage

Wortley textile mills

Yorkshire > West Yorkshire > Wortley

Map of Wortley textile mills

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Map of Wortley with its 6 textile mills (Textile mill icon).

Ortofotographic map


Aerial photographic view of Wortley, West Yorkshire.

Towns near Wortley.

Nearest industrial towns.

Towns with historical textile mills near Wortley.


1 John S Wilkinson


My ancestors were named Bateson and I do know that there were four brothers manufacturing cloth in Wortley in 1817. They were Matthew and James Bateson trading under the name of M & J Bateson and John and Joseph Bateson trading under the name of J & J Bateson.I know that the latter pair were made bankrupt after the stock market crash of 1825 and Matthew died in 1822.

James was more successful and lived at Highfield House, Wortley which is still there today and a grade 2 listed building. Do you have any information about their mills and where they where located please. I would be most greatful. Yours sincerely John S Wilkinson

2 Clare


Get in touch John I have more information for you.... where the mills were and so on.

Matthew was a big benefactor of the hospital, the Methodists,and Wortley Grammar School.

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